There’s something about this area of Nevada. It seems to keep us pulled close for longer than we anticipate. But that’s o.k. We enjoy it.
First visit, we ran into Henderson to get a tire fixed and wound up spending five days roaming the streets and sites of Vegas. This time around, we decided to head into Henderson to stock up on supplies and to take a break from the constant winds out at Government Wash. Ten days later…
Sidebar: Check out this cool bus that some guy did up and is driving cross country. He was parked at Walmart with us.
We’ve seen a few different buses like this along our travels. Each has a slightly different message or meaning behind their journey but all have a primary focus of promoting peace and paying kindness forward which is pretty cool.
So, we’d been in town for about there days shopping and catching up on web related stuff when we got a message from a long time friend of Nicole’s asking if we wanted to come visit her for the day. A week later…
Yup. We had a great time!
Oh, but first… Have you ever seen those signs in the grocery store parking lot that tell you that removing the shopping carts from the lot is illegal? Have you ever wondered how in the world a little sign is going to keep you from removing a cart?
We did. But we don’t anymore.
The new question is… how will Walmart get their cart back after we dragged it the last fifty feet or so to our van with what we thought was a bum wheel? Can they turn off the invisible wheel locking fence at will?
It’s a good thing D’Lene understands that we aren’t normal. We love her for that. She didn’t even look at us funny when we spent every night of the week we visited sleeping in the van. Despite her having an extra bedroom and bathroom that we could have had all to ourselves, we still preferred it. What can we say. Having the van with us is essentially like having our home right next door. It just makes sense to us to go back ‘home’ each night.

Not sure what we were more excited about… seeing D’Lene or the empty frame of a 1000 piece puzzle she wanted us to help her with. Let us define ‘help’ in D’Lene’s words. “You can finish the rest of it but I want to put the last piece in.”

She actually helped a bit more than that but we were only too happy to oblige her request and set our minds to finishing the puzzle. Three days later… the final piece was laid in place (by D’Lene).

With the puzzle done, it was time to begin the gaming. A night of Headbandz, followed by a night of 20 Questions and then some Boggle to round it all out.

Cloey didn’t find it as enthralling as we did. Could be that Nicole and Darlene wore her out each day with four or five walks. Her poor little legs. D’Lene would get home from work and the little munchkin would just lay there barely able to keep her eyes open.

We wore her out good. We got our paybacks when D’Lene took us for a trail walk one day and the next afternoon we were so tired we just sat on the couch staring at the TV like zombies. Can’t even tell you what we watched. Guess we’re not as in shape as we thought!

There was a lot of catching up, reminiscing (Nicole and D’Lene used to work together) and laughing on this visit. There were also a lot of since-we-hit-the-road firsts on this visit. Our first real shower in four months, for example. Laundry that we didn’t have to put quarters in, a hot tub with chlorine in it, a fireplace, a TV with a DVR and an endless supply of water to name a few. Pretty sure we blew all of the water conservation that we had managed to rack up in the last four months in just one shower. But it was so worth it!

As our one day visit turned into a week, it was time to say Goodbye to Cloey and D’Lene and move on down the road. We’ve got a destination now. That’s not something we usually do or had planned on and it will be a subject for another post. Suffice it to say though that the wind has blown hard enough to show us where we’ll be in two months time.

So, we’ve moseyed on down the lane and officially begun a two month journey that begins with seeing new things…

We’ve seen poles that mark the side of the road in heavy snow areas but flash flood level markers are a new one!

Missed getting a shot of the actual street sign but here’s a shot of the GPS. Who lives here? Do you have to be at a certain desperate point in your life to move to this street? Once you do, can you find your way back? We didn’t try to find out but just seeing the sign leaves you feeling subliminally down and blue. Thankfully we saw this one next and pulled in for a few nights.

Scenic it was with days spent relaxing and taking in views of the last of winter.

And nights spent looking down on the ‘big’ city.
It’s good to be back on the road.