One of the first things that we experienced after moving into our condo in Stuart last year was the seeing the airshow right from our front porch.
So, seeing it return to town made 'a year' seem even more obvious.
Once again, we enjoyed the show from our front yard and for a few hours here or there while working our shift at The Depot.
Here's a few shots.
C-130 Hercules
US Navy Leap Frogs
T-6 Texan
The Screamin Sasquatch - a 1929 Taperwing powered by dual power-plants:
a Pratt & Whitney 985 Radial Engine and a General Electric CJ610 (J85) Jet Engine with 3,000lbs of thrust. It was quite a sight... and sound!
Holy Helicopters.... the Batcopter made an appearance this year!
The AeroShell Aerobatic Team came in just before dark.
Interesting size perspective...
Red Line
Stunt-plane Rainbow
Tico Belle, C-47
Round Canopy Parachute Team
and now for the big finish...