Hitting the 25% mark on the ABA list was pretty neat and set us off on more excursions wondering just what we might see. Nicole also started going back through old photos and looking more closely at the not so good shots to see if there were any as of yet unidentified lifers. Through those excursions and photo reviews our tally has continued to grow.
This Black Bellied Whistling Duck family has taken up residence in the Home Depot retention ponds.
Spotted this Magnolia Warber and got a horrible photo of it at the Audubon Center.
The Monk Parakeets at Sandsprit Park were a treat to watch.
The Tanagers keep to the tip top of the fig tree so spotting this Summer Tanager was tricky.
Nicole was very excited to discover her first Veery hiding in the underbrush.
In the old photo category we found...
Back in 2015 we saw this Ferruginous Hawk in New Mexico.
In Louisiana we saw a Long-billed Dowitcher that same year.
In July of this year we were hanging down by the water when we spotted our first Sandwich Tern.
This Black-capped Chickadee from 2016 was mixed in with our Carolinas.
Recently, we have also sighted a few nighthawks and a snail kite but were unable to grab photos of them.
That should get us caught up on the birding side of things. We'll be back with some of the shots from our recent hiking and biking experiences.