Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Vedauwoo 2
We’ve found it quite easy to settle in here at Vedauwoo Campground. Our spot is spacious, water and sewer are provided and it’s just darn beautiful. The folks who frequent our campground are interesting and friendly and do a pretty good job of cleaning up after themselves which makes our job quite nice.
The Forest Service has seen fit to provide us with transportation for doing our rounds and carrying our supplies.
Number 6773, that’s us! It’s quite fun tooling around in this little guy. So much so that we often do rounds even on our days off.
Between the truck and our mini-uniforms of hats, vests and radios we’re looking pretty official these days.
We’re slowly getting around to exploring the area. The other day we took a walk on the Turtle Rock Trail. It’s the most popular trail in the park and makes a three mile circle around the Central climbing area. It encompasses just about everything the area has to offer including valley views, aspen groves, pine groves, spring flowers, a creek and beaver ponds. Here’s a few photos…
It’s It is difficult to argue with a Colorado Rocky Mountain View out of our back windows. Well, except when it keeps getting blocked by the smoke from the High Park fire (just one of the many fires Colorado is currently suffering from).
Even with the devastation the fire is causing the light of the sun setting in the smoke makes for some amazing skylines.
Lately we’ve met a lot of local climbers who have been giving us tips on routes that take smaller gear like what we own. The Forest Service also just opened up the lower campground in our park and asked if we knew anyone who would like to host there. Our friends, Lou and Dale, were more than happy to have the opportunity. We’re pretty excited to have them nearby and Nicole and Dale have already been plotting ways to combine their gear in order to take on a wider variety of the local climbing. So, at some point in the future (if we can get our camera which is on the fritz to cooperate) climbing photos will appear.