Thursday, November 14, 2013

This, That and California


We are proud to announce that after two years of traveling cross country and back again and again, it finally happened!

                              We passed someone else on the highway!

Not so much in the touring department the last week or so.  We visited with friends in Arizona, drove through Saguaro National Park, experienced way too many time changes, did the Los Algodones thing (for the non-RV readers that’s teeth, eyes and medicines in Mexico at a significant discount) and then settled in to one of our favorite spots in California to decompress for a couple of days.


Things have changed a bit since we were here two years ago.  The mining has moved more to the front of the mountains (read: obvious and visible on the landscape) and there is a lot of activity related to that.  Still, we once again found the area very peaceful and were able to grab a spot that did not permit us to hear the frequent blasting that is going on.


By nature we subscribe to the ‘You can’t go back’ theory in that if you return someplace expecting things to be the same you will most likely be disappointed.  We do believe however that you can return with fresh eyes and see old things in a new light.  So, that is what we did and this is what we saw.

Our camera had trouble focusing on this guy.  He was so small and blended in so well that it thought the grains of sand were easier to find.  He is the smallest praying mantis that we have ever seen and was (maybe) as long as the first digit of our pinky.

         There was a lot of very pretty weather shaped wood laying around.

At first glance you would think we’d found a large bone.  But this is a piece of wood encased in a mud shell.  If you were to open it up you would reveal thousands of termites who are enjoying a wonderfully vacuum sealed meal.

                                     Not your everyday desert find.

                                             Ocotillo Rainbow.


                                      What-chu lookin’ at, Willis?!




                                            And then there was…


             Well, better get this wrapped up because tomorrow… WE RIDE!


                                              Adios, amigos!