The wind has started blowing. We have only two more weeks at Priest Lake before we journey onward, upward, downward, forward and sometimes even backward.

It is anticipated that our picture files will expand by leaps and bounds once we start traveling again. So, we will share the remaining shots from our walks here at the Kalispell Bay Boat Launch lest we get too far behind.

These were planted near the library. Only saw one like this so
not sure if the heart shape was a fluke or not. Sure was pretty.

We still have not identified this fragrant, crazy looking, flowering?, tree / bush thingy?

We believe these are Black-Caps (note cap-like appearance when pulled off).
They sure are yummy and seedy like Raspberries. It has been really awesome
to have our very own fresh and free berry patch.

These Bear Berries have not been luring the right creatures.
Have you ever wondered why the Dwarf Dogwood is also called Bunchberry?

Well, wonder no more.
You’re probably tiring of berries. Perhaps Thistle interest you more.

Or maybe Thistle do it for you.

If not, you can relax because Thistle be the last of the Thistles.

While we’re looking at flowery things, it should be said that there are some small to just plain tiny flowers out there. (READ: Forty-Somethings need their reading glasses just to see them.)
Nicole and her reading glasses have been on a mission to capture reasonable images of these small to super small flowers. A few hundred shots later, she may not have exactly what she wants but she’s getting close (pun unintentionally intended).
One flower in particular has eluded a truly good reveal until now. We give you…

Here are a few other shots for your viewing pleasure.

Prince’s Pine

The Rein Orchid is a tiny but delicately beautiful flower.

Getting up close can be deceptive size wise. The entire length of this Rein Orchid
variant, including long spur, is less than the diameter of a dime. The flower itself
occupies less than 1/3 of that length.

As is often the case, Nicole had her intention aimed at capturing
these tiny flowers and she didn’t notice this equally small spider
or the ant hanging out in the upper corner until later.

And in a similarly strange twist of photography coincidences Nicole snapped this shot at the exact time an ant decided to stand up and take in the same view. Don’t see it?

How about now? Go back and look at the top left of the flower in the original photo.

These miniscule characters are in the mint family. We’d say they look more like
they belong in the Mick Jagger - Rolling Stones family.

While we’re on the subject of character, these tiny Field Mint flowers have a fair share.

These aren’t exactly flowers but any plant that creates
tiny heart shaped pendants should qualify as flowery.

It seems that we may be leaving just a tad too early for birding. A family of Mergansers showed up recently. Perhaps we’ll catch a few more varieties passing through on their way North before we head everywhere but.
Well, we’ve got to fly. Seems we’re out of Earth Balance (vegan butter)! So, we’re making an unplanned trip to the store. That means we’re cutting this post short.

Don’t look so glum.
We’ll be back with more photos soon!
And if that doesn’t make you feel better just think of how excited we’ll be to not be out of Earth Balance. Seriously, eighty miles round trip worthy happy. That’s a lot of happy!