Tuesday, July 8, 2014

4th on Priest Lake

When we arrived in early May, the Selkirk Mountains were blanketed in snow.  We were told that the locals sometimes make a bet as to whether or not there will still be snow on the mountains come Fourth of July.

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            Who do you think won the bet?  We thought there was still a little up there.

The other thing that we were told when we arrived was that the weekend of the Fourth was going to be pure mayhem at the boat launch.


                   Did it live up to all of the hype?

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It was busy alright.  Busiest we’ve been so far.  For the two days prior there was a steady stream of people, cars, boats and trailers.  They started coming in at around six a.m. (or at least that’s when we started hearing them).  And they were still coming in long after nine p.m. each evening.

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By the Fourth though all of the island campsites were full and most folks were settled in for the weekend.  Then we were down to a steady stream of day launchers heading out to enjoy the beautiful weather.

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So, it was busy and the days were long.  But they were long by choice.  After hearing so many stories of the craziness of previous years we were hoping to aid in creating a smooth and enjoyable weekend for everyone.

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We’re happy to report that our efforts were successful and by Sunday evening there were plenty of smiles and sunburns going around to seal the deal.

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Things should remain steady now right on through to Labor Day though reportedly much less intense.  Oh, and if you haven’t already figured it out, we’re still blooming too.

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