Friday, May 27, 2016

It's Gone Soggy Here So We'll Post On The Wetlands

After re-reading the way we ended that last post, got to wondering how many of you thought we had stayed here, with this guy.

We didn't.  But, it could have been interesting.  Albeit, quiet.

                         This is where we actually overnighted and awoke.

You'd be surprised at the number of trails we have seen in Newfoundland.  We say surprised because we are not talking about 'official' trails.  The trails we are talking about probably wouldn't even be listed anywhere.

As we drive down roads at random, roads that literally end in someone's yard, there will be an arch (like the one above) and a simple sign that says "Trail". 

We're still getting used to a few things about Newfoundland.  One of those is that as you drive down the street, a street that is not always wide enough for two vehicles, you see a trail sign and there is no place to park.  Still, you just sort of 'park' and go for a walk.  At least that is how we've interpreted the situation. 

One of these days, we'll actually do it.  Meanwhile, there is a whole other group of trails on  island; the 'official' ones.  Carmanville Wetlands Trail system is one of those and in the morning we awoke to the sounds of happy creatures stirring.  As we walked we were lucky to spot a few of them, too.

                                     Northern Flicker - Yellow Shafted

                          Looking guilty... caught drilling on the bird house!

There is a maze of very well groomed trails throughout the area.

This cute little Red Squirrel was quite insistent that we leave the area.

         Lichen, Fungi and Mosses were quite plentiful. 

We have seen the Horsetail plant in one form or another in just about every place we've visited over the years.  Though we're still learning to identify its many forms, we have recently learned a fascinating fact about this plant.

The species has been present and persistent since the Paleozoic era (250-540 million years ago) and therefore considered to be living fossils.

Though we have yet to see an actual Caribou, the Caribou Lichen has made an appearance.

Nicole was thrilled to get her best look at and shot of the amazing Evening Grosbeak.

It warmed up really good for a bit there and we started seeing the creepy crawlies come out.
That's pretty cool so long as the biting ones don't start appearing, as well.

                           The "Pond" is more Lake size by our calculations.

        Although we are still a bit early for full blooms,
          it is nice to see things starting to color up.

           The Three-leaved False Solomon Seal were just beginning to sprout.

      Savannah Sparrows were everywhere as were their White-throated relatives.

Heading toward the van and preparing to leave we spotted a new bird - the Black-throated Green Warbler.  How awesome!

We considered staying a bit longer but the ocean called and we answered.