Thursday, January 24, 2013

Making a Clear Path and other Nonsense

We were out signing today.  No, we weren’t talking with our hands.  Unless you count that guy we got mad at and then it was just one sign. 

Just kidding.  About the guy we got mad at not about the signing. 

We were signing.  We signed and signed.  And then we signed some more.  We covered south yellow and some of brown.  Those trails got signed.  And they got signed good!  Twenty seven miles of trail got signed today. 

Did we mention that we signed the trails?

2012-11-15 Ocala (8)
Remember those cute little Asian Beetles?  (A.K.A. Harmonia axyridis) Last time we told you that they liked to bite and to leave a stink on you.  Did we tell you that they are basically infesting everything right now? 

2013-1-10 ocala (4)

They are infesting everything right now. 

That includes us.  Every time we stop the ATV’s we get swarmed.  So, if you happen to be on the yellow or brown trails and notice that a few stickers are slightly askew it is because we were signing on the run.  Literally!

The songbirds have been serenading us for a few weeks now.  Guess spring has sprung in Florida?!?!

Our friend, Lyn, has been visiting.  She came in her fancy new Tiger Adventure Vehicle.  It looks something like this.

Something but not exactly because we took this picture from the company website (which should be somewhat evident by the non-Florida-like background scenery).

These rigs are super well put together.  We discovered how well in the process of helping Lyn upgrade her solar controller to an adjustable Morningstar.  It was an epic adventure just to get to the batteries.  But we overcame.  Unfortunately though after a few days of random and sometimes ‘sparky’ trials, we discovered that the controller she was sent was not working.  Arg.  At least we were able to make access to her batteries a little easier and to show her how to hook up the new one when it comes in.

We’ve got some neat experiences coming up that include super fast planes, Rainbows, 7 miles journeys with a paddle and cutting things.  Only time and a (potentially) working camera will tell if they’ll make a good blog post.  One thing is for sure, we’d better be working on our coordination and teamwork or there is the potential that we could end up…
2012-12-2 Ocala (6)
      swimming with the fishes at one of the events!

Until the next time, enjoy a few more photos from the Ocala National Forest.

2012-12-17 Ocala (7)
Cool trees.
2013-1-10 ocala (1) 
Animal feet.

And this awesome miniature Mushroom Village!
2013-1-15 Ocala (6)
Hundreds of these pinky size guys all on one log.  Very cool.
2013-1-15 Ocala (8) 2013-1-15 Ocala (2)

And, this…
2013-1-6 Ocala (2)