Friday, February 7, 2014

Life’s a Beach


Beverly Beach is known for fossils that literally fall out of the cliffs.  So, when the sun came out the other day we went on a walk to see what we could spot.

                                          Not bad for our first looksee.

Oregon weather can be somewhat haphazard.  We were here in July one year and it was close to 30 degrees.  So, it’s a fair guarantee that February will be cold and an even greater likelihood that it will also be wet.  We knew this and yet we couldn’t wait to get here.

DSCN5205a                                            Cold or not, it’s a beautiful area.

After two years on the road, we’ve had a bit of a change in perspective.  If we make all of our plans to avoid the weather, we are also avoiding new experiences and opportunities.  So, whenever we get the chance, we plan to pile on the clothes, jackets, boots, gloves, hats and scarves until we looked like stay-puff women and enjoy what has been placed in front of us.

                                                           Example one.

                                                        Example two.

DSCN5257                                       Example two, clarified.  We got snow!

                                It gave a whole new look to our arched ocean view.

                   The pond in Loop F froze over and we saw birds ‘walking on water’.

It was awesome!  Especially the part where Darlene put the golf cart into a tail slide by braking too fast.  Oops.  Laugh.  Laugh.  Giggle.  Giggle.


The snow caught us off guard so we decided to turn on the weather radio that the park ranger had given us.  After one announcement that said, “Chance of Snow 100%” the computer just started saying, “Thursday… SNOW.  Friday… SNOW.  Saturday… SNOW.”   That was followed by the temperatures which didn’t sound too terrible in the high 20’s until they followed it with, “Wind Chill… 9 degrees.”

                                Like we said… New Experiences and Opportunities.

              And new birds like this Varied Thrush who looks Hawaiian with his Lei on.

                       Well, our hosting duties call so we’re off to earn our keep.